Coat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and Gardens
Rastatt Residential Palace
The first Baroque residence on the Upper Rhine
Rastatt Residential Palace, stairs to the cour d'honneur
Come in
Rastatt Residential Palace, costumed guide in the palace
Delve into the world of the princesses
Rastatt Residential Palace, palace church
Come and be amazed

The first Baroque residence on the Upper RhineRastatt Residential Palace

Rastatt Residential Palace is the oldest Baroque residence in the Upper Rhine Valley. The palace, gardens and town were planned as a whole, to create an impression of elegant, perfectly-proportioned uniformity - with the palace commanding pride of place at the centre.


Rastatt Residential Palace, visitors
Anteroom and galleryThe heart of the palace
Anteroom and gallery - The heart of the palace
Rastatt Residential Palace, painting „Bacchus and Ariadne“
The apartmentElegant rooms for the margravine
The apartment - Elegant rooms for the margravine
Rastatt Residential Palace, lacquer painting
The LackkabinettExotic in Rastatt
The Lackkabinett - Exotic in Rastatt
Rastatt Residential Palace, ceiling fresco
The ceiling frescoThe Uncovering of the Holy Cross
The ceiling fresco - The Uncovering of the Holy Cross


If you want to see Baden-Württemberg at its most beautiful, visit the many palaces and gardens run by the state heritage agency, Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten. How about a perfectly-preserved monastery complex, such as the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Maulbronn? Or there are Heidelberg's world-famous ruins. And there's much, much more.